Day 21 Ethiopia
DAY 21:
WHAT IF? Your church is torched—will you still meet?
Imagine that you are sitting in church one morning when suddenly you hear a crowd of people gathering outside.
“If you do not come out and renounce your faith in Jesus Christ you will die in flames,” a mob member shouts.
No one in the church moves. Suddenly, flaming torches are then thrown onto the church’s straw and wooden roof which bursts into flames. People attempt to flee as the flames rapidly engulf the small building causing it to collapse. Few are able to escape but you manage to fight your way through the smouldering debris, unnoticed as you flee. It’s a miracle you and others survived. The church building is destroyed and people’s lives are lost. This is not the first time.
Do you continue to meet elsewhere? Would you feel afraid to meet with Christian believers once again?