Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Day 1 China


WHAT IF? You were asked to deliver 10 Bibles to a remote village? Would you go?

Bible couriers around the world are willing to risk their lives to place God's Word into the hands of Christian believers who live in remote or dangerous places like rural China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma and the Middle East.

By providing 10 Bibles to Christians you would encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus and share their faith with others. Lives will be changed for eternity.

Would you be willing to risk your life to radically transform the lives of others?

Day 2 Middle East


WHAT IF? A sibling or friend argues that the Bible is not true—what do you say?

How do you react when someone close to you challenges the validity of the Bible? How would you respond? Consider the verse below.

I thank God that He has given us the Holy Spirit as our Counsellor to guide us in what to say: “Do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given to you at the time, for it is not you speaking it is the Holy Spirit.” (Mark 13:10-11, NIV)

Day 3 Sri Lanka


WHAT IF? You were asked to deliver Scriptures to Bible-less Christians living in a war zone—would you go?

Imagine if you were a Christian living in a dangerous war zone where death and persecution was a daily threat.

You are the local Bible courier, placing Bibles in the hands of Bible-less, persecuted Christians. You need to travel to a remote village, a 50 kilometer walk uphill across dangerous terrain that is frequently occupied by terrorists. There are 120 people who are secretly living as Christians in this Muslim village and they don’t even have one Bible. All of the Bibles they had were burnt over a year ago.

It’s up to you—do you choose to trust God and deliver “food” to these spiritually hungry Christians or do you choose not to go because of the possible risks? What would you do?

“I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’.” Psalm 91:2

Day 4 Mongolia

DAY 4:

WHAT IF? What if you were fired from your job because you are a Christian—how would you feel?

Imagine…you’ve studied hard for years, graduated, applied for countless positions until you finally landed your “dream job”. Everything was going great, until you were asked one simple question.

“So what did you do on the weekend?” your boss asks.

You hesitate to answer, but then reply honestly, “I went along to my church’s camp and spent time reading the Bible and worshiping God. It was a great time.”

Your boss frowns, eyebrows furrowing, he takes a step backwards and says: “You’ve got to be kidding? So you’re one of those Christians?”

As you respond “yes” he quickly turns and strides down the hallway in a huff.

That night you receive a phone call. Your boss apologises that the company will have to “let you go” due to a conflict of interests.

You are living in a country where you have limited rights as a Christian and very little job opportunities.

What would you do?

Day 5 Moldova

DAY 5:

WHAT IF? Your friends and family refused to speak to you because of your faith—would you continue following Jesus?

Imagine you’ve just given you life to Jesus Christ after attending a Bible study group for three weeks. You were raised in the Eastern Orthodox Church and never knew Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. Now you feel joy and freedom like you’ve never experienced. You can’t wait to share this with your family.

That night at the dinner table you tell your family that you’ve become a Christian—a follower of Jesus Christ.

As you begin to share the Good News with them, your mother begins to sob and leaves the table. Your father abruptly asks, “Who has been brainwashing you?

Your sister says you’re a traitor of your culture and family’s faith.

Your father confiscates your Bible and demands that the family never speak to you again—until you “come to your senses”.

What would you do in this situation?

Day 6 Vietnam

DAY 6:

WHAT IF? You were tempted to hide your faith because of persecution—what would you do?

Imagine living with the threat of being tortured, tormented or even killed if you revealed that you are a Christian.

In many countries this is a reality.

In Australia, this is a foreign concept. Yet, many people are still tempted to hide their faith to avoid possible rejection. You may be tempted with thoughts like, “What will people think of me?”

Can you imagine what it would be like to be in a country where rejection from family and friends is normal? Where death or imprisonment is often imminent?

Day 7 India

DAY 7:

WHAT IF? Hindus build a temple next to your church—how would you respond to their spiritual opposition?

Imagine finding out that a Hindu temple was going to be built next to your small community church.

The elaborate temple will dominate the skies, towering over your church with its carved ornate gods which decorate the domed towers, drawing hundreds of Hindu people each week to this place of worship.

This kind of situation is common in places like India and Nepal.

How would you respond to the spiritual opposition?

Day 8 Central Asia

DAY 8:

WHAT IF? You have an opportunity to share from the Bible with a Muslim—what verses would you use?

The major difference between Christianity and Islam is who Jesus is.

They don’t believe that Jesus died for their sins, rose from the dead or that Jesus is the Son of God. They believe that Jesus was just a prophet. Muslims do not have assurance of salvation.

What verses would you use to demonstrate that salvation is through Christ alone?
Here is one verse to get you started.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Can you think of some others? How would you explain what these verses mean to a Muslim?

Day 9 Nigeria

DAY 9:

WHAT IF? People stone your church building during a worship service—how would you feel?

Imagine being in the middle of worship when you hear loud shouting erupt from outside. A large mob of people surround the church and suddenly stones are catapulting towards the building and hammering the windows like hail. A window at the front of the church shatters, sending glass flying through the air.

This isn’t the first time your church community has been attacked. It happens nearly every Sunday in the middle of this mainly Hindu village.

How would you feel worshipping in this environment?

Day 10 Haiti

DAY 10:

WHAT IF? You are asked to start a Bible study group in a region where people are steeped in practicing voodoo? Would you go?

Voodoo is a spirit religion which has evolved from ancient traditions of ancestor worship and animism. Simply put, voodoo followers worship demonic spirits and aim to be possessed by them so they may become a “god” themselves.

Bible League has Project Philip Bible study leaders and church planters who work amongst these spiritually oppressed communities. Despite the battle they face, they know that Jesus has already won the victory over all evil! As God’s Word is shared and explained, many people’s lives are transformed as they turn from their evil practices and follow Jesus.

Would you start a Bible study group in a region where people are steeped in practicing voodoo?

Remember that Jesus triumphed over evil at the cross!

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
Colossians 2:14-15

Day 11 Kenya

DAY 11:

WHAT IF? You are asked to start a Bible study in a Muslim region—would you do it?

Thousands of Muslims have come to know the Lord through Bible League’s Project Philip Bible studies. These Bible studies are run by local people who are trained by Bible League in evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

They often begin Bible studies in unreached regions where they face great risk for sharing the Gospel in Muslim villages. But they know that it’s worth the risk when people’s lives will be saved and transformed as they come to know Jesus Christ.

What would you do if God called you to begin a Bible study in an unreached Muslim village? Would fears would you have to face? How would you overcome them?

Day 12 Albania

DAY 12:

WHAT IF? Your family were violent towards you because of your faith in Jesus—where will you find the strength to endure?

Imagine if your family ignored you, beat you and disowned you because you became a Christian?

It is hard to imagine this happening in an Australian context but it is a common occurrence in many non-Christian countries.

It’s not just within family homes either. Sometimes whole villages will hunt down a new convert in order to kill them or try and force them to convert back to their former beliefs.

When your own family, friends and community betray you—it’s the type of persecution that hurts the most.

What would you do?

“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29

Day 13 Niger

DAY 13:

WHAT IF? You are the only Christian in your suburb—how would you feel?

Imagine if you could count the number of Christians in your suburb on one hand? One—only you!

Your family does not know Christ, neither do your friends or any one else in your community. You know this because your community is a Muslim community where new believers are shunned, driven out of the village and completely disconnected. But for now you meet secretly with other Christians, traveling one hour every Sunday to attend a small Bible study group of people who are in a similar situation to you.

How would you feel if you had to live like this? How would you find the strength to endure? When and how would you share your faith with others?

Day 14 Sudan

DAY 14:

WHAT IF? You were forced by law to convert to another religion—what would you do?

Imagine you receive a letter in the mail regarding your application to change your religion from Islam to Christianity. As you rip open the letter and read the top line, your heart sinks. Your application has been rejected. On your identity card your religion, Islam, will remain, even though this is not true.

You are also asked to sign a statement to confirm that you are a Muslim—in other words, you are forced to convert back to your former religion.

Already, your family has disowned you; you’ve lost your job and have been forced into hiding.

If you do not sign this statement, you will be sent to a prison-like rehabilitation centre where you will remain until you decide to convert back to Islam.

What would you do in this situation?

Day 15 Russia

DAY 15:

WHAT IF? You can change the lives of five people by placing just one Bible—will you help?

It costs just $7 to place one Bible into the hands of a Bible-less Christian. This Bible not only impacts one person’s life—it impacts at least five lives as each Bible is shared on average with five other people.

When Christians do not have the Bible, “they have no root” and “they do not mature”. When Christians have God’s Word and read it with open and teachable hearts, they “produce a crop”—grow in their faith, develop fruits of the Spirit and share the Good News with others.

See the verse below.

Luke 8:11-15

“The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

Will you help believers produce a crop by placing God’s Word into their hands?

Day 16 Malaysia

DAY 16:

WHAT IF? It is illegal for you to convert to Christianity, would you have still decided to follow Christ?

Take yourself back to the time you gave your life to Jesus. Imagine knowing that what you were about to do was illegal in your country? You will lose your rights, your family, and your friends and maybe even sent to jail or killed.

Would you have still given your life to Jesus Christ?

Consider these two verses.

Revelations 2:10
“Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Romans 13: 1
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

Day 17 Cambodia

DAY 17:

WHAT IF? You are the only Christian in your Buddhist family—how would you feel?

Imagine what it would be like to be the only Christian in your Buddhist family. When you converted to Christianity they said you had betrayed your family and culture, bringing shame on them all.

Each week they continue to beg you to come join them at the local Buddhist temple to take part in rituals and ceremonies—something you used to enjoy doing together as a family.

Your mother also continues to see a kru—a sorcerer who provides amulets for each family member to protect them from you—an “evil traitor”.

What would you do? How would you feel?

Day 18 Nepal

DAY 18:

WHAT IF? Terrorists demand members of your church to join their army, threatening to kill members if they refuse—what would you do?

Imagine that one morning you arrive at your church to see it surrounded by a large group of army officers. One man is holding a wad of documents and yelling demands at the church members who have been hauled outside.

You begin to walk cautiously back to your car, hoping that no one will notice. However, an army officer sees you trying to escape and charges over to where you stand, grabs you by the arm and drags you over to the group.

The commanding officer instructs that everyone must sign up to join their army and take on different roles to assist the government.

In doing this, you must also convert to Hinduism and renounce your faith in Jesus.

What would you do?

Day 19 Mexico

DAY 19:

WHAT IF? Your church was continually subject to mob violence—would you still meet?

Imagine if each week, your church building is surrounded by mobs of local people who are determined to harass and persecute believers until they leave the village.

They throw stones at the windows and yell out slanderous words against Jesus. They collect copies of local Bibles and burn them on the church steps. One week, posters were taped all over the outside of the church building, warning that anyone who enters will be killed. This is the only church in the area and the pastor is determined for the congregation to continue meeting.

What would you do in this situation?

Day 20 Indonesia

DAY 20:

WHAT IF? People from your church were imprisoned for sharing about Jesus—Would you still share your faith?

Imagine coming to church one week and discovering that your pastor, church leaders and members of your congregation were imprisoned during the week. The authorities came to their homes, handcuffed them and imprisoned them for sharing about Jesus through local Bible studies in their homes.

You have also been involved as a Bible study leader. Do you continue to meet with your Bible study group and share the Gospel with seekers?