What if you are denied a job by revealing you are a Christian in the interview?
Day 7
Do you indicate on your resume that you’re a Christian? If you do then you probably don’t have much to worry about in Australia. But in some places where persecution of Christians occurs – it’s a completely different situation.
I know I would find it hard to reveal I was a Christian if it meant I couldn’t get work anywhere. How would I afford to feed my family? Where would I get the money to pay the rent?
Many persecuted Christians are constantly denied jobs, not based on their skills or their level of education but on their faith in Jesus Christ.
For those Christians who manage to find employment, some are vulnerable to criticisms or persecutions from their colleagues, who target their Christian faith.
How would you cope in a situation like this? Would you deny or hide your faith to gain employment? Would you persevere in your faith despite persecution?

It's an interesting question...I guess I would still telling my interviewer that I am a Christian since I can't lie! But if he is discriminating me just because of my faith, I might sue him for this??
I'd like to think I would still say I was a Christian, but once faced with the situation, I may not. I guess it all depends on ones faith and how strongly we believe the scriptures that God will provide under all circumstances. The human element enters in and we begin to think "Without a job how would I feed my family, etc", but from God's point of view by standing up for him he will provide, we may still have to go through lots of heartache, maybe even face death, but God does look after his own and if its time for you to go home to him, then we need to accept that. However I still think faced with the situation it would be very hard. I definately would be praying alot.
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