What if you have to walk a 200 km rocky trail to receive a Bible - would you go?

Picture yourself in a country where your Christian faith is illegal. Your church was recently burnt to ashes, church members beaten and killed and your Bible was thrown into the flames of the fire.
You feel as if you have no hope, you crave God’s Word like thirst-quenching water, you need to hear His voice.
You know of a place where you can get a Bible but it will be a dangerous trek. One hundred kilometres along a rocky trail just out of town and another one hundred kilometres return. Where would you hide the Bible? What happens if they find it, take it and throw you into prison? Is it worth trying?
For millions of persecuted Christians around the world, the answer is “yes”. It is worth it when the Word of God brings salvation, hope, deliverance and encouragement through times of persecution.
What would you do?

I've never thought of receiving a Bible would be that difficult. It does challenge me to know that some Christians in the world have to pay such a high price to get a Bible!
Oh, if I have to walk 2km to get a Bible, I might give up. But knowing that people in Nepal are so keen to get access to God's Word, I am so touched!
It's really challenging to think about what so many Christians go through to get a copy of the Bible. I feel like i don't treasure my Bible enough!! I would hope that if i was faced with this sitution i would trek the 3km and get a bible - despite the possibilities of being captured or harmed.
In some ways I long to have that persecution out here in the west, to have our churches burnt down and our Bible confiscated, so that our faith would be shown for what it is.
We thankyou gracious Father that you put such a desire on their heart for you and your Word.
Father continue to send out your Word to your people and to the nations, that they may know you and your salvation through your Son Jesus, in his name we pray.
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