A Prayer for Persecuted Christians
I'm always challenged by the plea of our suffering brothers and sisters, who do not ask for their persecution to end but that we pray for them admist their suffering. So here we pray:
It is because of the holy name of our Lord that believers are beaten, imprisoned and even killed. Pray that the blood shed for following Him will bring honour to His holy name. Pray that through their testimony, His kingdom will increase on earth, as well as bring many into an eternal relationship with Him.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Pray for the families of those who are persecuted. Pray that in the absence of those who are imprisoned or killed—often fathers who are raising families—the needs of the families for food and shelter will be met. Pray for the welfare of these families in their grief.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Pray that God will empower the persecuted to forgive those who are inflicting pain on them, as Christ forgave His accusers on the cross. Pray that this testimony of forgiveness will be an irrefutable testimony to the sincerity and reality of the victims’ faith—and will lead to conversion of the oppressors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Pray that God will strengthen believers to stand firm in their faith when others try to force them to turn from Christ. Pray that God will miraculously shield persecuted believers from the pain and cruelty of their persecution.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
As with persecuted Christians, our ultimate hope and victory is in the confident assurance that beyond our circumstances, our loving God holds us in His hands. Ultimately He will defeat the forces of evil for all eternity. Thank God that in the midst of intense worldwide persecution, millions of people are turning to Christ. Pray for strengthened leadership in the persecuted church.
We invite you to join us in prayer.