Thursday, 20 September 2007

A Prayer for Persecuted Christians

"Pray for us..." says a persecuted Christian.

I'm always challenged by the plea of our suffering brothers and sisters, who do not ask for their persecution to end but that we pray for them admist their suffering. So here we pray:


Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
It is because of the holy name of our Lord that believers are beaten, imprisoned and even killed. Pray that the blood shed for following Him will bring honour to His holy name. Pray that through their testimony, His kingdom will increase on earth, as well as bring many into an eternal relationship with Him.

Give us this day our daily bread.
Pray for the families of those who are persecuted. Pray that in the absence of those who are imprisoned or killed—often fathers who are raising families—the needs of the families for food and shelter will be met. Pray for the welfare of these families in their grief.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Pray that God will empower the persecuted to forgive those who are inflicting pain on them, as Christ forgave His accusers on the cross. Pray that this testimony of forgiveness will be an irrefutable testimony to the sincerity and reality of the victims’ faith—and will lead to conversion of the oppressors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Pray that God will strengthen believers to stand firm in their faith when others try to force them to turn from Christ. Pray that God will miraculously shield persecuted believers from the pain and cruelty of their persecution.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen
As with persecuted Christians, our ultimate hope and victory is in the confident assurance that beyond our circumstances, our loving God holds us in His hands. Ultimately He will defeat the forces of evil for all eternity. Thank God that in the midst of intense worldwide persecution, millions of people are turning to Christ. Pray for strengthened leadership in the persecuted church.

We invite you to join us in prayer.

Monday, 10 September 2007

What if you were imprisoned for joining a Bible study group—how would you feel?

DAY 21

Imagine meeting with your Bible study one evening, studying the Word of God, worshipping him and enjoying fellowship with other believers. Suddenly your meeting is interrupted by five authorities.

It’s illegal to study the Bible in your region and the punishment is imprisonment, violent beatings and sometimes death. You are grabbed by the arms, your hands are cuffed and you’re thrown into the back of a police wagon with everyone else. You’re treated like every other criminal, like a thief or a murderer—all for simply reading the Word of God and following Jesus. (Click here to read the true testimony of Chan who, despite persecution, insisted to share Christ at any cost)

How would you feel as you sat in a cold jail cell, awaiting your conviction—just because you follow Jesus?

What if you wanted to tell someone about Jesus but it was illegal—what would you do?

DAY 20
When Jesus says, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15, NIV)—He meant ALL creation.

We have been commanded to tell EVERYONE about the good news of Jesus—no matter the cost.

When it comes to the ethics of telling someone about Jesus in a place where it would be illegal—what would you do?

A biblical example of this is in Daniel 6. The administrators of the King Darius enforced a decree in which no-one was permitted to pray to any god or man for the next thirty days, unless they prayed to King Darius. If they did not follow the law they were to be thrown into the lions’ den. Although Daniel knew the consequences, he honoured God first and continued to pray three times a day, upstairs in his room where the windows were open to Jerusalem.

When the King found this out he threw Daniel into the lions’ den. But God rescued Daniel as he had trusted in Him. As a result of Daniel’s faithfulness he prospered and the King issued a new decree where everyone was to fear and reverence God.

When it comes to telling someone about Jesus, it’s a life-changing opportunity we can’t miss. Can you?

Sunday, 9 September 2007

What if you have to walk a 200 km rocky trail to receive a Bible - would you go?

Day 18

Picture yourself in a country where your Christian faith is illegal. Your church was recently burnt to ashes, church members beaten and killed and your Bible was thrown into the flames of the fire.

You feel as if you have no hope, you crave God’s Word like thirst-quenching water, you need to hear His voice.

You know of a place where you can get a Bible but it will be a dangerous trek. One hundred kilometres along a rocky trail just out of town and another one hundred kilometres return. Where would you hide the Bible? What happens if they find it, take it and throw you into prison? Is it worth trying?

For millions of persecuted Christians around the world, the answer is “yes”. It is worth it when the Word of God brings salvation, hope, deliverance and encouragement through times of persecution.

What would you do?

Saturday, 8 September 2007

What if you lived in a place of persecution without your own Bible?

DAY 17

It’s estimated that over 200 million persecuted Christians who don’t have a Bible of there own. In a region in Northeast Asia, as you would have read today, there is only one Bible to every three Christians. ( Click here to read more about this region. )

How would you feel if you didn’t have immediate access to a Bible? Imagine not being able to read God’s precious Word in times of discouragement and hardship?

I know that when I am experiencing difficulties or when I feel disheartened, I turn to God’s Word for encouragement and guidance. By memorising and reciting Bible verses throughout the day I feel a great sense of strength from God. The promises in His Word sustain me.

The Psalmist writes, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105, NIV)

How true this is.

How would you cope if you were suffering persecution everyday but could not read God’s Word?

What if you had to share a Bible with five other families?

DAY 16

How many Bibles do you have at home?

In my house we have a range of Bibles on our book shelf and everyone has one or two in their bedrooms. It’s a privilege that each family member has one of their own.

Imagine if you had to share one bible with at least five other families. You couldn’t just grab it to read when you were feeling troubled or anxious. You couldn’t take it to church or Bible study each week. You’d be missing out on reading God’s word daily.

In Africa for example, over 200 million Christians are waiting for God’s Word. In a church in Niger, there are only 8 Bibles shared by 140 people.

How would you feel if you were one of them?

You can make a difference! For just $21 you can supply three Bibles for Christians in Africa. Your prayers and gift will bring God’s Word to where the spiritual hunger is growing and the need for Bible is great. Click here now to learn more.

What if you live in a hostile culture—what verses encourage you as you share the Gospel?

DAY 15

The Bible is full of encouragement for Christians who are living in hostile cultures facing persecution. In many ways, the Scriptures, especially is the New Testament, is written by persecuted Christians for persecuted Christians. That is why it is so important that they receive the Word of God to be encouraged, uplifted and strengthened.

Imagine not being able to access the Bible and read its promises during times of hardship. Do you carry God’s Word in your heart?

Some verses that I find encouraging and I am sure many persecuted Christians would find valuable are:

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:8-9, NIV)

The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is my stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1, NIV)

My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my saviour—from violent men you save me.”(2 Samuel 22:3, NIV)

What Bible verses would encourage you?

Click here to listen to persecuted Christians in Africa witness how they “carry the church” in their hearts.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

What if you are asked to carry five Bibles into a dangerous area?

DAY 14

What if you are asked to carry five Bibles into a dangerous area - would you risk it?

Imagine sitting in church one day when your pastor asks for assistants to help carry five Bibles each into a remote and dangerous. He tells you that he has received countless letters from pastors there who are preaching in churches…without a Bible.

Your heart is beating a little faster and your palms begin to sweat. You heart tells you that this time you should go.

You know of other people who have been before you. Some were imprisoned; others were tortured but most were able to return safely—they always told how much the experience had changed their own lives and help put their faith in action. They also told how moving it was to see the joy on people’s faces when they received their own copy of the Bible.

Now it’s your turn. The risk is great but the reward is even greater.

Would you go?

Click here to read how Rania, God’s humble servant in Middle East, travels long distances to dangerous places to bring God’s Word to her countrymen—just because she wants to transform her country for Christ.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

What if your pastor was imprisoned?

DAY 13

What if your pastor was imprisoned—would you be willing to be trained as a church leader?

What would you do if you were approached to be trained as a church leader in a region where many church leaders are often jailed, experience violent persecution and sometimes even killed? Big commitment isn’t it?

Confronted by this quesiton, I was personally challenged by what Paul says in 2 Timothy:

Do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed to be his prisoner.” (2 Timothy 1:8, NIV)

…Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Jesus Christ will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12, NIV)

God will bless those who are persecuted. If you were persecuted you are just following in the steps of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Take some time to read 2 Timothy and read today’s question again.

Has anything changed for you? What would you do?

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

What if you’re waiting for an answer to prayer—what Bible verse encourages you to believe?

DAY 12

Are you currently waiting on God to answer your prayer? Or have you in the past? Sometimes waiting for God to answer a prayer may like waiting for the rain to come in the middle of a drought! You know rain exists, that it can rain and that it will come eventually but in the meantime it’s difficult to simply wait patiently!
Praying has a lot to do with faith. Jesus says, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.” (John 14:13-14)
Can you pray with such faith and believe that whatever you ask in Jesus’ name will be done?

The presence of the Word of God in our hearts is the fuel to our faith, to help us remain patient till the answer comes.

What Bible verses encourage you?

Monday, 3 September 2007

What if you were so poor that it costs several months’ income just to buy a Bible?

DAY 11

How much does a Bible cost you in Australia? I mean really cost you? Probably not too much! If you work, it may cost you half an hour to an hours worth of pay. If you’re in school it may cost you one week’s worth of pocket money. Even if you couldn’t afford one there are plenty of Bibles that churches will give out for free.

In the Western world people can sometimes take God’s Word for granted as it can be so easy to access or buy from the local bookshop. There are different versions in your heart language and even all kinds of styles you can choose from—from floral printed covers to metal covers and there are even Bibles that come printed with magazine style covers!

But in places like Niger, as you may have read today in the A Light in the Dark 21-Day devotional booklet, where over half of the people are below the poverty line—it wouldn’t matter what colour or style their Bible is—Christians there are absolutely craving God’s Word but many can’t afford it.

There would also be the problem of trying to find a Bible. Bibles are very scarce throughout many countries in the world but still many Christians will walk many kilometres to receive God’s precious Word.

Could you imagine doing this? How much effort would you willing to pay to receive a Bible?

For just $7 you can provide one Bible to a persecuted Christians who need to read God’s Word and be encouraged—the result may multiply as one Bible, on average, can be shared by 5 people. Find out more.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

What if radicals burn your church and destroy your bibles?

DAY 10

Imagine turning up to church one Sunday morning and finding a huge pile of smouldering debris and ash. Everything is gone. But it’s not the building people miss—it’s their Bibles which were also burnt in the blaze.

In some regions where Christians are persecuted, Bibles are rare and expensive. It may even harder for some people groups to receive a Bible in their heart language.

I am sure there would be other concerns for the church members—where would they meet now? Should they build another church? What happens if the radicals come back? How will they stay strong and persevere without God’s word?

These are questions that many Christians face every day.

How would you respond?

Click here to listen to African Christians tell how their Bibles “refused” to be burnt.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

What if your Muslim school friends ask you about Jesus—do you tell?


School yard bullying is a worry for many kids. But imagine what it would be like to attend a school as one of the only Christians. There are countless young people, even in Australia, who struggle as Christians in the secular school system.

After reading the story today in the ‘A Light in the Dark’ 21-Day devotional booklet I tried to imagine what it would be like to have gone to a school where there was a possibility of being physically attacked or killed because of my Christian faith.

Would have I spoken out at school? Would I now?

I hope that if a similar opportunity presents itself that I would. Considering the question, if these two Muslims were my friends who were asking me about Jesus then I would want to ensure that my friends could join me in the salvation offered through Jesus.

Jesus says, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the Gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:35, NIV)

What a challenge for us!

Would you still witness to Jesus if your life might be at risk?