What if you are asked to carry five Bibles into a dangerous area?
DAY 14
What if you are asked to carry five Bibles into a dangerous area - would you risk it?
Imagine sitting in church one day when your pastor asks for assistants to help carry five Bibles each into a remote and dangerous. He tells you that he has received countless letters from pastors there who are preaching in churches…without a Bible.
Your heart is beating a little faster and your palms begin to sweat. You heart tells you that this time you should go.
You know of other people who have been before you. Some were imprisoned; others were tortured but most were able to return safely—they always told how much the experience had changed their own lives and help put their faith in action. They also told how moving it was to see the joy on people’s faces when they received their own copy of the Bible.
Now it’s your turn. The risk is great but the reward is even greater.
Would you go?
Click here to read how Rania, God’s humble servant in Middle East, travels long distances to dangerous places to bring God’s Word to her countrymen—just because she wants to transform her country for Christ.

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